Sunday, July 1, 2007


I got my passport on Saturday! YAY! Definitely not the greatest picture of me, but oh well. :)

That's one thing off the list. Now to figure out my packing situation (travel backpack or not?) and what to bring.

Laurie and I met for the first time on Friday in San Fran for the Live PotterCast. It was good to see her and meet her! The PotterCast was also fun.

2 weeks from this Monday (15 days) is when Laurie and I depart for Europe!


Maria said...

Wow, novel indeed!! Glad you arrived safely and your flight wasn't bad. Enjoy your first night in England, see you soon!!

Maria said...

Well I don't know how this comment ended up here, it was supposed to be for the post after you arrived!!